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กรุงเทพมหานคร, bangkok, Thailand
I just wanna tell you that i'm a good boy and friendly funny etc.

Friday, December 14, 2007


is a seminal series of expressionist paintings by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. It is said by some to symbolize the human species overwhelmed by an attack of existential angst.[1] The landscape in the background is Oslofjord, viewed from the hill of Ekeberg. The Norwegian word skrik is usually translated as "scream", but is cognate with the English shriek. Occasionally, the painting has been called The Cry. version of this piece appears in the Munch Museum, Oslo, Norway (see gallery), and an oil, tempera, and pastel on cardboard (measuring 91 x 73.5 cm) in the National Gallery of Norway (shown to right). A third version is also owned by the Munch Museum, and a fourth is owned by Norwegian billionaire Petter Olsen. Munch later also translated the picture into a lithograph (see gallery), so the image could be reproduced in reviews all over the world. Since 1994, two separate versions of Scream have been stolen by art thieves, but both were eventually recovered.
It’s my favorite picture. It can tell you something or many thing. That show everyone can imagine although they see same picture same time. It’s colorful picture I think it’s impressionist period Edvard Munch was an expressionist painter and printmaker from Oslo Norway. He was regarded as the pioneer of the amazing Expressionist movement. His art work from the late 1800's is the most well known, but his later work is gradually attracting more attention and is quite an inspiration of many of today's artists.. It have hard color and look like abstract. Someone think it just a one picture not have a value why it’s very very expensive picture. I don’t know why. This picture can tell you one thing, most of people have a value when he died like this picture. When Edward Munch alive he draw it and it just a low cost picture. After he died it became a most value picture in the world. It make me remember one man who is van goh. His picture is The Potato Eaters. When he alive he just a poor artist he draw so many picture and his picture when he sell it’s a low cost. After he die his picture became most value picture in the world. The easy example is pig you can see that when it live people don’t think it have a benefit. When it die it become very useful leg ear tail many part of it have many useful. it’s normal of people in the world, see the value when lost it. By the way this picture very famous one movie bring this sign to make a film. I think the movie that I talk about is Scary movie, comedy movies. And the Halloween day most of the kids bring this face to make costume. Life of Edward munch so sad his mother and his sister dies when he was young . i think he born to be painter he have a talent. That’s why I appreciate him very much.

I will be a good person

A good person it’s very hard for anyone no matter what men and girl. Patient is the most importance tool of this mission. Practice it make you have a shield to protect you from enemies. In fact I’m not a good boy even a good thing which it’s easy to do it. The past is lesson for the future. the past can predict the future if you are a thief future you still a thief but one thing that can make you change this way is ‘ present ’ and now you can change your mind. When I was young I really love a sin which I don’t know I just know one thing is it’s fun and allure to do. I love to bring a baby fish out of the water a blow it with my hand and the hobby is kill the lizard. After my mom see me my mom tell me if you do like this again and again the future you will like your aunt because she always kill the lizard when she was young and she done it for a long time so now she always pain his leg. It can say “ law of sin ” anything which anyone who ever done, it never loose from this world it will revenge you absolutely. So do the good thing always example you kick the ball so hard to the wall it will comeback to you same you do it first. I try grow up from this thing that I miss it, everyone can miss not even the hero the necessary is you should not miss again and again, it like the pencil most of people didn’t notice the pen because the bottom of the pencil has a eraser it has a few but the pencil it more than. So it can tell you one thing is you can write anything that you want to but you can’t mistake often otherwise you won’t have a eraser to erase it cause of you use it more than your writing. The statue of the good or bad of me is pencil, that warn me always I look it. ‘Think before you do’ my mom always tell me and I’ll always listen to her buy hear in my left ear and trough out of the right ear until it has one day my love CD broken by the my irritate, in that time I very angry something ( I forgot it ) and it has one thing nearest my hand is my love CD I take it and thrown away as far as I can. It have many lesson are in my life and always warn in my brain when I do something like the past sometimes I abandon it sometimes I do it careful, fear it like the past. Now I am a good person although it evolution from the past not much but I try to do it better someday I will be a real good person of my mom my dad somedays

Are you mad?

Nonsense story. Extremely mad extremely crazy extremely insane. But it’s true story about someone maybe me but I’ll not talk about him he is Mr. k, it’s mean Mr. crazy. Long time ago when he study in high school he have a lot of free time and he have many friend, most of his friend crazy same him. At first he never smoke cigarette because of his friend persuade him then he will test it and addict it. The bad news start to begin. After that event it make him feel confident and brave to do something crazy more than it. One day he’s boring about the class the teacher the environment he decide to get off his room for play the football. He invite his friend and went out the room together. Sometimes he sat alone and think if his mom knew that what is he doing in that time she will be sorrow. It warn him always when he think about his mom. But he still done the same he decide to escape the class by climb out of the school and go to the game shop near the school. He do 1-3 times because he still worry about the grade if he do like this always his grade fell down certainly. One day he climb out of his school for lunch and comeback to school suddenly master of teacher ride his bike and see him because of his leg broken he will arrested by master of teacher. He get the probation in first time but he don’t care, he think most of teacher talk more than he punish. After that even he still do the same is he do something more crazy he walk in the school without tuck his shirt. One of teacher saw him again and teacher force him stop he follow his stop and tuck his shirt and walk away but that isn’t enough for the teacher because after he walk away that f**in teacher want to find out to arrested him to punish suddenly they walk out of the room and see that f**kin that teacher. It’s the second probation but the f**in teacher call his mom to school. He think why are you hate me or something if you want to revenge me fight me, fight like a man, not chicken like this motha f**ker. he promise he won’t let his mom saw the bad thing that he do it again never. Most of teacher punish like him will get a revenge from the student always. Sometime teacher punish without the reason. After he graduate the school they plan to swim in the river front of the school. It’s broken the rule but he hate teacher he hate the rule he hate school he hate everything this school and teacher don’t make him proud, who care. So they jump to the river and do the crazy thing and fishing, rule not accept to do that. Teacher know that and notice to get out of river, after teacher ride his bike everyone who are in river escape in every way like bomb blow up. It’s the last thing that he do after graduate

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Art = imagination

This topic maybe make you confuse with it because you don’t know what I talk about. If you want to know you must read it until finish. At first in the past I study high school, art period, my teacher told everyone make a font A to Z and send it for him before finish the class. I started to write it down in my paper then teacher come to me and tell me ‘ why you do like that ? ’ and I tell him it is my imagination so why I write like this and he had told me again watch me do it follow me. After that I try to write it like him but in that time I think in my brain think why you control me ? it is a art period teacher should release your f**kin imagination, free it. I don’t know what the f**k is he thinking. I really sick of him in that time. The meaning of art are let’s the mind do it and follow to your mind no criticize no blame just look it that’s enough. If you want to me like to you I will be you. So art is individualistic, personal thinking personal way.
The second I will talk about is in the primary school it make me want to get lost from art world because the teacher like the first it make me furious more than the first because he is not only told me to follow him but he haven’t give me a point. In that time he had told everyone drawn anything. While I drawn it almost finish teacher came to and tell me that not allow you to write the sky by pink color. I ask him why he just said I said not allow it mean if you draw it I’ll reject your work. When I come home I ask my mom why he done to me like this, mom just say he is a teacher anything he say it’s right you must do like him. I think it maybe culture of teacher it come from teach from this generation to next generation so it is this way “ teacher always right ” it made me understand until now. Sometimes I realize that because of more individualistic made me had a problem with the other but at least I still listen other reason other comment. My mom told me if you not listen other reason everyone won’t listen to you too. Now I still do like the way I like it. It’s not strange to make other even my friend my girl friend have a problem with me. But I don’t care ( Sometime ) after 2 story until now I can’t draw the picture even a cartoon because I hate art and give up to draw anything but I still have art in my mind. I don’t know why and I don’t care if anyone say to me are you crazy ? I don’t care, who care I don’t give you a sh*t.

Drink Drank Drunk

While I come to my university I never drank alcohol before even a glass. The first semester of the first year I’m a good boy. This story started on second semester when I change my group friend. Because the first group of me almost have a girl I bored. After I’m in new group I had started make a new friend.

The bad new of the world started begin at the bar near my university it’s name Dream. I never drink before not never my friend tell me that started shot and shot it’s mean pure cognac and fill salt and lemon little bit. Take 5 shot immediately but still feel normal I tell my friend don’t worry. I just sit in five minutes and after that I feel my world so blur and I feel why my body floating rising I don’t know why or maybe I drunk.

Finish first bottle it’s about 700 milliliters it take a time in 20 minutes. Very fast in my first time yeah so cool! Take me more. I sit in here with 5 friend it make empty so fast and the time is 6.00 o’clock ooh no! it just the evening why I drink it so early but I can drink it more. I think that night I’ll be a dog because of alcohol I forgot when I comeback home how I get home? I don’t know but I know one thing is so funny. Second bottle begin one friend of my group quit and left 4 friend I still want more the second bottle it make me loose of conscious and 4 of friend can feel it like me. But we can drink it yeah bring it on.

The third bottle is on our table it wait a queue for second bottle it left a few and we want it. It like a stupid gang in the bar and have f**king 3 bottle of cognac. 3 bottles take 1 hour just one hour with out the break not have a time to breath. The last bottle of cognac came from my friend, she bring it from her room because before it left from my friend drank in the last week. It left half of bottle. In that time no one have a conscious I invited 2 guy sit near my table which he isn’t Thai people and one of my friend slept. Ooh no it’s bad situation how can I do but I still fun with the guy I never know him before and they sit with me. We tried to drank until it empty by guess a coin, head or tail But no one drank. I started drink and send the glass to my friend and circle around table until it empty. I can’t come back home because of my brain. It can’t control my leg so my friend call to my parent. When they come to me and ride me home and they told me why you do like this are you crazy? Tomorrow can you wake up and go to study? If the other stolen your money and make you hurt how do you protect yourself. So I promise to my self it’s the last time.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


I ever ask my self about my future. It have many question and answer but I forgot to think what kind of job I love it ? so I comeback to my first question and tell my self “ cooking ” . But it’s opposite with my faculty it sound weird but It’s my plan. The lawyer is my first job and cooking is my second job it also hard to achieve I need more patient and my accumulate. Now I must walk to the future without turn left or right if I do that it won’t achieve and I’ll fell down like a bird get shot. I think everyone should find them talent it will help you not waste your time. I had found that I love to cooking when I study at university. When I was young most of time in my holiday I help my mom my maid to cooking I don’t know why I want to help them. I never tired of it although it so hot and wet almost guy hate it include my dad my sister both of them never go in kitchen It make me love cooking . in the other hand now I study law I can’t be chief but after I finish law program I decide to exam attorney course and work it for while after that I learn a cooking course at the oriental hotel. That hotel good at cooking and it’s famous. I would like to learn pizza and sausage and steak course because I want to open my food shop style Mediterranean. And my song of my food shop style bossa in my shop has one big fish aquarium. By the way I still work lawyer it sound like a big dream. Some of my friend think you can’t do it must be joke. But in this world if you try to some thing although it very hard if you never give up never loose you accumulate you will get it you will proud of yourself and your mom and dad will proud too everyone can’t look down you if the past you are a looser. My mom told me if you fell something you also do that, example you are a boxer if you loose this match you are also boxer and you can fight the next match. The life is not easy I remember it always if everything easy to get it won’t have a value. moral The most thing everyone should have, it necessary more than you are clever you are genius. The present in the world 40% of people is bad guy it make the social fell down, it persuade everyone who live in that social worse and worse.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This story it’s about me only. Because this topic tell that you will know more about me if you read until finish I hope that. Although it sound nonsense but I’ll show my literature style. It’s my first it’s must have some mistake but I’ll do my best
Let’s talk about it I’m funny boy and good boy If you look me at first sight you must think what is it happen to him he’s so strange I ever ask many friend but the answer is the same. One day I came in music shop and ask for old song but officer look me weir “ I guess he think Are you kidding me? ” because most of teenage like me never ever listen old song like me. Almost listen hip-hop Rock but I don’t like them. Because when I was young when I slept before I slept my mom always open opera song or old song to me it like lullaby. So I grown up with this song I’ll like it. And it make me peace when I listen it. In present it have many style of the song and it go in same way same style. By the way I’ve a strange idea not like anybody I think in my young life I live with a bound. It doesn’t strange if I been like this because it’s my way my life I can point my life my style without bound no more. But I still respect my parent and really love them. They teach me with love with reason it make me love them. My future I would like to open pizza and steak shop it. Everyone will ask me why you study Law ABAC ? why? The answer is if my shop close what can I do in that time I still have my job is attorney. It like warranty of my work I plan it the first job is attorney and I’ll work for a while until collect enough money for open my food shop. And I had told my mom she say she agree with me that is a good idea but it hard for me because after when I graduate bachelor degree I’ll study food course in oriental hotel next. But more of student that graduate in Law like me they will practice in law firm or study a attorney course but I love to be create my food style. Now I don’t know my how future will be today I will do my best. Life is not easy for everyone so in every time must careful don’t miss so live with a plan. Don’t ruin your life by do like bullshit. Ooh no it so stress when I talk this topic let’s change it before you’ll bored I believe it if I say Fish is my hobby everybody don’t believe because it’s real I tell the true. I don’t know why it stared from one day I walk around my house and I see fish are in the bottle of my maid. In young I had fish and I made it die from my mistake. It very sad and I want start it again so that day I decided to buy a fish. First I bought one fish and fish aquarium. Now my fish grown up from 4 inch to 9 inch it very big and it’s first fish which It alive more than 1 month
The last it not thing to say more than thank you for read my literature I appreciate that if you won’t complain me thank you again

Monday, November 26, 2007


I have a problem with my blog so many with the blog I don't know why. it make delay to post. may be loose my point because i don't know about web blog it come from my low technology and lazy to try to get a knowledge but at least i've done my work. I know more than a past, my girlfriend teach me. I ever see web blog in the internet a long time af first I think it complicated it make me bored it. when I turn computer on I play one thing is game. I waste my time with the game almost the day in my holiday. But now I give up because I must have a time to my fish wath a nnewspaper. I'm not a kid any more so I promise with my self I won't try to play a game anymore it make me fool. most of kids in Thailand play the game in computer all the day all week not have a time to read a book play sport.
At last I hope I'll keep my promise more than a month because every time I promise with my self the last I bkoe it up

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Second fish

Yesterday I gone to JJ. to buy fish which i need it a long time. I gone with my friend we decide to buy it together. after we buy it we thing something it have a fish shop near my house and it same price. why me fool like this why ? after we back home I change water in my tank it about 200 litres. It take 1 hour untill finnish but I never tried of it because I love it it my love hobby. And the next plan is go to buy a rocks for a tank and fish food. I think I loose a money with my fish more than 5000 bath. It make me loose my weight because I don't have a money, almost broke.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

My first fish

I started in the last semester to buy my first fish. It start from my friend and I talk together about many thing until he talk about the fish. It start from here and later we talk about the fish more until we decided to buy fish. But it more than buy a tank and fish. it have more detail. Today I crazy about it I don't know why. I think when you look at the fish in aquarium you will peace it can make you realease your emotion. After I have a fish in my house my mom play with it everyday, the first she complain me.

Untill this day my fish very big it's about 9 inch and weight about 1 kilogram. I love it. I love to see my fish grow up. because it make me see evolution of my fish.