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กรุงเทพมหานคร, bangkok, Thailand
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Art = imagination

This topic maybe make you confuse with it because you don’t know what I talk about. If you want to know you must read it until finish. At first in the past I study high school, art period, my teacher told everyone make a font A to Z and send it for him before finish the class. I started to write it down in my paper then teacher come to me and tell me ‘ why you do like that ? ’ and I tell him it is my imagination so why I write like this and he had told me again watch me do it follow me. After that I try to write it like him but in that time I think in my brain think why you control me ? it is a art period teacher should release your f**kin imagination, free it. I don’t know what the f**k is he thinking. I really sick of him in that time. The meaning of art are let’s the mind do it and follow to your mind no criticize no blame just look it that’s enough. If you want to me like to you I will be you. So art is individualistic, personal thinking personal way.
The second I will talk about is in the primary school it make me want to get lost from art world because the teacher like the first it make me furious more than the first because he is not only told me to follow him but he haven’t give me a point. In that time he had told everyone drawn anything. While I drawn it almost finish teacher came to and tell me that not allow you to write the sky by pink color. I ask him why he just said I said not allow it mean if you draw it I’ll reject your work. When I come home I ask my mom why he done to me like this, mom just say he is a teacher anything he say it’s right you must do like him. I think it maybe culture of teacher it come from teach from this generation to next generation so it is this way “ teacher always right ” it made me understand until now. Sometimes I realize that because of more individualistic made me had a problem with the other but at least I still listen other reason other comment. My mom told me if you not listen other reason everyone won’t listen to you too. Now I still do like the way I like it. It’s not strange to make other even my friend my girl friend have a problem with me. But I don’t care ( Sometime ) after 2 story until now I can’t draw the picture even a cartoon because I hate art and give up to draw anything but I still have art in my mind. I don’t know why and I don’t care if anyone say to me are you crazy ? I don’t care, who care I don’t give you a sh*t.

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