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กรุงเทพมหานคร, bangkok, Thailand
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Friday, December 14, 2007

Are you mad?

Nonsense story. Extremely mad extremely crazy extremely insane. But it’s true story about someone maybe me but I’ll not talk about him he is Mr. k, it’s mean Mr. crazy. Long time ago when he study in high school he have a lot of free time and he have many friend, most of his friend crazy same him. At first he never smoke cigarette because of his friend persuade him then he will test it and addict it. The bad news start to begin. After that event it make him feel confident and brave to do something crazy more than it. One day he’s boring about the class the teacher the environment he decide to get off his room for play the football. He invite his friend and went out the room together. Sometimes he sat alone and think if his mom knew that what is he doing in that time she will be sorrow. It warn him always when he think about his mom. But he still done the same he decide to escape the class by climb out of the school and go to the game shop near the school. He do 1-3 times because he still worry about the grade if he do like this always his grade fell down certainly. One day he climb out of his school for lunch and comeback to school suddenly master of teacher ride his bike and see him because of his leg broken he will arrested by master of teacher. He get the probation in first time but he don’t care, he think most of teacher talk more than he punish. After that even he still do the same is he do something more crazy he walk in the school without tuck his shirt. One of teacher saw him again and teacher force him stop he follow his stop and tuck his shirt and walk away but that isn’t enough for the teacher because after he walk away that f**in teacher want to find out to arrested him to punish suddenly they walk out of the room and see that f**kin that teacher. It’s the second probation but the f**in teacher call his mom to school. He think why are you hate me or something if you want to revenge me fight me, fight like a man, not chicken like this motha f**ker. he promise he won’t let his mom saw the bad thing that he do it again never. Most of teacher punish like him will get a revenge from the student always. Sometime teacher punish without the reason. After he graduate the school they plan to swim in the river front of the school. It’s broken the rule but he hate teacher he hate the rule he hate school he hate everything this school and teacher don’t make him proud, who care. So they jump to the river and do the crazy thing and fishing, rule not accept to do that. Teacher know that and notice to get out of river, after teacher ride his bike everyone who are in river escape in every way like bomb blow up. It’s the last thing that he do after graduate

1 comment:

Jasper said...

That is some story Sak! I wonder who that guy is and where that high school is located.
I see you did write a lot, but all in the end. Next round try to be more punctual. I'll save you some marks.