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กรุงเทพมหานคร, bangkok, Thailand
I just wanna tell you that i'm a good boy and friendly funny etc.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


It so close to the examination now but I still post until the last day. Till now I can modify in blogger a little bit and it so hard to me to do like this I don’t know why may be it because of my brain block of this thing. After I post this every week every month but it must be on semester that I must wrote it. I think someday I just became a writer. A lot of compose work that I do in this semester made me improve my writing my brain. I appreciate that my English teacher assign me to do this work and neither the other. But sometime I can’t think what am I post ? my motion my brain don’t want to. Everything gone so fast like my post in every Sunday I must post in the evening and toke the time so much sometime 1 hour sometime 1 and 20 minute after I finish it I feel like thrown the rock from my chest and next Sunday I feel it again it like the day after tomorrow it was not gone one week it was very fast. So I had a duty I must do it best no matter what that will be. In my plan I need to past this course in one time because when I am in ABAC I was study English course so many time sometime I study in same course twice time but never more than twice time. My friend had finish English many friend it left me and some of my friend still studying. When I fail in English course I loose a big money like throw it away and loose my time. When I put Eng in my course it make me to go to university at least 3 day per a week. And I want to know what would you do if you are me? Sometimes someday I was lazy I want to stay home stay with my girlfriend but Eng course make me go to university. Study again and again every week until I finish the last course. What a boring ooh Jesus please help me this world so cruel to me the luck isn’t on me. Someday luck is on me someday I swear. And I swear to god and swear to myself one day I will be achieve and climb to peak of the life that everyone want to do like me and I will be the one. And this time I aspire to write it until end but it so long to write it until finish the condition that I follow it practice my patient and my skill. Every time I won it and I won always so this time I’ll win it again and I hope it every time. I must try and try do it again and again and the again more and more etc. in this point it until finish the condition so I feel happy and the last thing is I finish it bye bye.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

well well well

I don't know what to say what to do whatever thing. just a boring do same thing same action same everything in this whole world. Oh no happy in the morning get the trouble in the evening gone crazy in the night. It is the same daily thing I do every day after I seen the world. But something had change is my motion and my body and the knowledge. The same that I had found in my body was I still the man. Everything that someone or everyone do same and do often always someday they found that it gone to the peak and then they want to stop that and finish it so do I.

Now I lost something but I want to write it down for some one who read it and feel like me but it is a sad story When I said I needed you, You said you would always stay. It wasn't me who changed but you, And now you've gone away. Don't you see that now you've gone, And I'm left here on my own. That I have to follow you, And beg you to come home. You don't have to say you love me, just be close at hand. You don't have to stay forever, I will understand.Believe me, believe me, I can't help but love you, But believe me, I'll never tie you down. Left alone with just a memory, Life seems dead and so unreal. All that's left is loneliness, There's nothing left to feel. It very sad to me but now

And I want to take this lyrics to everyone who want to read it again is “ Let it be me ”
bless the day I found you
I want to stay around you
And so I beg you, let it be me
Don't take this heaven from oneIf you must cling to someone
Now and forever, let it be me
Each time we meet loveI find complete love
Without your sweet love what would life be
So never leave me lonelyTell me you love me only
And that you'll always let it be me
Each time we meet loveI find complete love
Without your sweet love what would life be
So never leave me lonely
Tell me you love me onlyAnd that you'll always---let--it be—me

now I think you don’t understand with this thing about I wrote it but I want to tell everyone who see it. But how I do with the some situation which I never knew and it hard to bear it. It is not easy way to through it so let it be. What it be let it be. It make me have a experience. So forgot it let start the new thing and new feel without everything that try to erode your heart all the time. I must left it in the back and cross it and never think about it. So I’ll do my best

Sunday, February 3, 2008


I just want to say boring. And you know what am I boring, what when where why who whom which any question attack to me all the time all the question focus to me only. Just a fucking boring with this shit. Why I face the trouble all the time all the day, at least I can learn from this shit. It’s make me strong make me survive from the fucking bad situation. This world is so cruel to me and to everyone who live in this world. How can everyone solve this problem? It’s the method to throw of the trouble. Easy question is your experience make your take it and your brain and your heart. Sometime someone bring the shit in to his or her brain and heart the they said that why I face the problem all the time and huge problem? Because they do it with themselves.

So I know that the problem is nothing or problem is problem, I can explain with this. The first you must understand the problem? and the second you must know how the problem happen with you? and the third is how can you manage with the problem. How can I understand problem? It very easy to fix it by think that everyone in this world have a problem same you and no one in this world which the problem didn’t face with them. If you can understand with this you can pass rule number one. And next mission is how the problem face with you? It seem not necessary but the reason is you walk to the problem or the problem face with you by you don’t invite it, if you can solve it again you can pass to the last rule is manage the problem. I think this way fix is make your mine empty and without everything that erode your heart and you must use your brain to manage with it.

Now I have a way to solve my problem but now I still have a problem. I realize that the problem never give up to you. You must get rid of it. The most I boring is the work it’s mean a lot of work. A fucking crazy huge work make me sick holy shit ! but I still have a responsible and the discipline. I can not abandon that two thing although I think it’s a shit and if I do the best will I get a gift or the fucking price whatever. I try to take boring thing out of my brain but it still stuck in my mind and in my brain like a black spot is in the fucking big room. Maybe some one don’t give it a shit and it make them pleasant. But I have a point in my mind it make me do it. Like a benefit I believe that nobody in the world do something without hope of benefit, some time them hope more than that maybe big profit. So it is the simple thing to do that.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Every week homework

I must done it in every week and the important thing is I must done in the time. Can’t done it before which I don’t know why. Sometimes I write it almost but it ended by deleting it because I can’t do it finish, it means no way out can’t finish. Anyway this story teach your discipline, how long did you maintain your discipline level. It hard to finish it. Movie games girl everything are your obstruction your discipline. Respect your self by force your mind and concentrate your mind, to focus one thing that you are doing in that time.

Yeah ! this week past. The bad thing after this is oh no I must do it again in this week ? how hard is it why not? Why me? Why all of us? Every time I ask my self. I can not find the real reason. Most of the reason I think is “ finish ” it is a simply answer to explain my question. 1. finish it 2. finnish who gave my work ( get rid of him ). Am kidding. Also now I still do it again and again. Practice more and more. Oneday may be I will be homework machine. Done home work like a robot. Some day it will be the end of homework machine. The last period of homework. After I think and consider of it I will be more stress. So I realize that it’s the time to spot it by I give up think about it. And do like a robot which is someone manage it and control it, do follow my rule you will be survive. Like a king govern his own people. I know one thing from this story is the man who want to do this sometimes he need the discipline of the student and make his student to be the best student. I never blame him even a one word. My mom told me that if you want to be the best person you must have more patient and more practice than everyone someday you will achieve. I know one guy who achieve his goal. He is Chalermchai Kositpiphat, famous painter in Thailand if anyone who listen his name they will know about him from his character. I had read his pocket book. His attitude is the same who achieve done. When he was young he is poor family but he want to be rich. He loved to draw everything and after he grow up he want to be the famous. So he decide to study in silpakorn university in art faculty. He practice it everyday every morning without lost his concentrate. One day he get the contract by Bangkok bank to paint Thai style painting for the bank advertisement. After he paint to Bangkok bank. After that he became a famous artist in Thailand

So no matter what you are even if poor rich or whatever you should have a discipline and you must have a goal in your mind because it’s your target life and it lead your way to success if you patient

Sunday, January 20, 2008

the same thing of achievement people

One day I think that what are in the achievement people ? why they success in they goal ? how they do that ? . I try to find the factor that make them get the goal

After longtime consider and it waste my time do other thing . I know that why they became rich, succeed, famous. Because of they 1. discipline and 2. Accumulate, its have more than the loser and the people who think not have a way to achieve in his goal. So I have 2 factor of them to improve my lazy habit. So let’s start from first factor is discipline from the past in my day I have a plan what do first before or after but one thing I missed is discipline. So now I will manage my discipline by done my plan don’t give the shit to anyone anything. It so hard to win it but I’ll try. The second factor is accumulate which most of people try to win it like me but the last are failed. Most of achievement people have 2 factor and it more than the normal people. Such as Ludwig Van Beethoven Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. Of the seven children born to Johann Beethoven, himself the only survivor of three, only second-born Ludwig and two younger brothers survived infancy. Beethoven was baptized on December 17, 1770. Although his birth date is not known for certain, his family celebrated his birthday on December 16. Beethoven's first music teacher was his father, who was a tenor in the service of the Electoral court at Bonn. He was reportedly a harsh instructor. Johann later engaged a friend, Tobias Pfeiffer, to preside over his son's musical training, and it is said Johann and his friend would at times come home late from a night of drinking to pull young Ludwig out of bed to practice until morning. Beethoven's talent was recognized at a very early age, and by 1778 he was studying the organ and viola in addition to the piano. His most important teacher in Bonn was Christian Gottlob Neefe,[5] who was the Court's Organist. Neefe helped Beethoven publish his first composition: a set of keyboard variations. I think he have a gift from god which is music talent. One day Mozart had listen Beethoven play the song and then Mozart said to him “ you will be a good musician ” but Mozart don’t know Beethoven can compose the song. After few year Beethoven became a famous composer and musician. One thing I proud in Beethoven is he’s deaf but why he can compose? And he can compose good melody.

At last no matter what you are just do the best present your future will the best although the past are gloomy. If you won’t give up and try to win it. And do not think tomorrow I will do it, just think it is not enough, done it and fight it, it is the most necessary.