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กรุงเทพมหานคร, bangkok, Thailand
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Sunday, January 20, 2008

the same thing of achievement people

One day I think that what are in the achievement people ? why they success in they goal ? how they do that ? . I try to find the factor that make them get the goal

After longtime consider and it waste my time do other thing . I know that why they became rich, succeed, famous. Because of they 1. discipline and 2. Accumulate, its have more than the loser and the people who think not have a way to achieve in his goal. So I have 2 factor of them to improve my lazy habit. So let’s start from first factor is discipline from the past in my day I have a plan what do first before or after but one thing I missed is discipline. So now I will manage my discipline by done my plan don’t give the shit to anyone anything. It so hard to win it but I’ll try. The second factor is accumulate which most of people try to win it like me but the last are failed. Most of achievement people have 2 factor and it more than the normal people. Such as Ludwig Van Beethoven Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany in 1770. Of the seven children born to Johann Beethoven, himself the only survivor of three, only second-born Ludwig and two younger brothers survived infancy. Beethoven was baptized on December 17, 1770. Although his birth date is not known for certain, his family celebrated his birthday on December 16. Beethoven's first music teacher was his father, who was a tenor in the service of the Electoral court at Bonn. He was reportedly a harsh instructor. Johann later engaged a friend, Tobias Pfeiffer, to preside over his son's musical training, and it is said Johann and his friend would at times come home late from a night of drinking to pull young Ludwig out of bed to practice until morning. Beethoven's talent was recognized at a very early age, and by 1778 he was studying the organ and viola in addition to the piano. His most important teacher in Bonn was Christian Gottlob Neefe,[5] who was the Court's Organist. Neefe helped Beethoven publish his first composition: a set of keyboard variations. I think he have a gift from god which is music talent. One day Mozart had listen Beethoven play the song and then Mozart said to him “ you will be a good musician ” but Mozart don’t know Beethoven can compose the song. After few year Beethoven became a famous composer and musician. One thing I proud in Beethoven is he’s deaf but why he can compose? And he can compose good melody.

At last no matter what you are just do the best present your future will the best although the past are gloomy. If you won’t give up and try to win it. And do not think tomorrow I will do it, just think it is not enough, done it and fight it, it is the most necessary.

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